Multi-Day Residencies
Multi-Day Residencies typically include opportunities for many students, and additional activities for a smaller number in a residency Core Group. Residency objectives and final program are determined in consultation with educators and parents.
Typical activities include assemblies, hands-on harp workshops, additional workshops for Core Groups, rehearsals, performances by Core Groups, performances by professional musicians, science or history sessions, and student planning sessions.
Multi-Day residencies may include activities days and evenings, at your school and at other venues. You are encouraged to expand the scope of the residency to include interactions with the wider community.
Below are some residency themes with proven success. Call Holly any time to talk about a residency you are imagining!
1. Music First: Uses harp as a classroom-wide instrument and focuses on general music-making. You may top off with a final student performance on harps for families, peers and community.
2. Complete Concert: Students work toward a final performance with the professional ensemble Lyrica. This is usually part of a local concert series, with the children's participation on the second half of the program. (In addition to harps, the following are possible in some locations: recorders, bells, Orff, strings, other instruments, choral singing, dance, sign language.
3. Community Service: As a final project, students take "their" harps to a local senior citizen center. The exact program is developed by the students themselves, considering the specific audience they will work with. Students not only perform for the audience, but also can learn to help others experience the harp for themselves.
4. Faith-Based Residency: You are invited to talk with Holly about building a residency reflecting traditions of your faith. There are many ways to celebrate music as a gift.
5. STEM: A STEM residency features harp as a portal to Science, Technology Engineering and Math. Activities take place in large and small groups. Topics may include the science of sound, human hearing, physics of the harp, measuring and presenting data, and the "Harpist, we have a problem" mysteries. Students will play harps, sing, investigate science questions, explore engineering, graph data and enjoy other activities linking music to science and math.
This multi-day STEM residency is much more in-depth than the "Science and Math of Harp Music" assembly. The STEM residency is suitable for students in middle school or higher.
See the Curriculum page for more information about program content.